
tamoadmin 0
  1. 全球旅游景点英文介绍 世界著名景点英语介绍
  2. 历史名胜英语
  3. 美国旅游景点介绍英文 美国的景点英语
  4. 设你在伦敦旅行,你现在想去海德公园参观,但不知道去海德公园的路,你正在问路,英语短文
  5. 求海德公园、大本钟、泰晤士河、塔桥的资料。

圣保罗大教堂 Sallo Paulo cathedral


大英博物馆 British Museum


大英博物馆又称不列颠博物馆,位于伦敦牛津大街北面的大罗素广场,是世界上历史最悠久、规模最宏伟的博物馆之一。这座庞大的古罗马式建筑里珍藏的文物和图书资料是世界上任何一个博物馆所不能比拟的。大英博物馆初创于1753年,1759年对外开放。现有房屋为19世纪中叶所建,共有100多个陈列室,面积6,7万平方米。原来主要藏书,其后兼收历史文物和各国古代艺术品,迄今共藏有展品400万件。 大英博物馆整日免费开放。

白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace



国会大厦及大本钟 Capitol and Big Ben



伦敦塔桥 Tower of London bridge


西敏寺 Agile temple of west


全球旅游景点英文介绍 世界著名景点英语介绍



Great Pyramid Of Giza 吉萨金字塔

Christ Redeemer 救世主耶稣雕像

The Taj Mahal 泰姬陵

The Roman Coliseum 古罗马竞技场

The Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔

The Forbidden City 故宫

The Great Wall Of China 长城

Big Ben 大本钟

Church Of the Sacred Fam. 圣家族大教堂

Machu Picchu 马丘比丘

The Acropolis 雅典卫城

Alhambra 阿罕布拉宫

Angkor Wat 吴哥窟

Statues Of Easter Island 复活节岛雕像

The Hagia Sophia 圣索菲亚大教堂

Red Square 红场

Neuschwanstein Castle 新天鹅堡

Stonehenge 史前巨石柱群

Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院

Leaning Tower Of Pisa 比萨斜塔

Luxor Temple 卢克索神庙

Teotihuacán 特奥蒂瓦坎

Bagan Temples and Pagodas 蒲甘佛寺和佛塔

Serengeti Migration 塞伦盖蒂野生动物大迁徙

Iguazu Falls 伊瓜苏大瀑布

Victoria Falls 维多利亚瀑布

Grand Canyon 大峡谷

Mount Everest 珠穆朗玛峰

Louvre Museum 卢浮宫


世界上有着许许多多的著名旅游景点,这些景点用英语该如何说呢,下面是我整理的一些世界著名旅游景点名称, 希望对大家有帮助。

世界著名旅游景点名称:Asia 亚洲

Great Wall, China


Forbidden City, Beijing, China


The Himalayas


Mount Fuji, Japan


Taj Mahal, India


Angkor Wat, Cambodia


Bali, Indonesia


Borobudur, Indonesia


Sentosa, Singapore


Crocodile Farm, Thailand


Pattaya Beach, Thailand


Babylon, Iraq


Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey


世界著名旅游景点名称:Africa 非洲

Suez C***, Egypt


Aswan High Dam, Egypt


Nairobi National Park, Kenya


Cape of Good Hope, South Africa


Sahara Desert


Pyramids, Egypt


The Nile, Egypt




Great Barrier Reef


Sydney Opera House, Australia


Ayers Rock


Mount Cook


Easter Island


世界著名旅游景点名称:Europe 欧洲

Notre Dame de Paris, France


Effiel Tower, France


Arch of Triumph, France


Elysee Palace, France


Louvre, France


Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany


Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy


Colosseum in Rome, Italy


Venice, Italy


Parthenon, Greece


Red Square in Moscow, Russia


Big Ben in London, England


Buckingham Palace, England


Hyde Park, England


London Tower Bridge, England


Westminster Abbey, England


Monte Carlo, Monaco


The Mediterranean


世界著名旅游景点名称:The Americas 美洲

Niagara Falls, New York State, USA




Honolulu, Hawaii, USA


Panama C***


Yellowstone National Park, USA


Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA


Times Square, New York City, USA


The White House, Washington DC., USA


World Trade Center, New York City, USA


Central Park, New York City, USA


Yosemite National Park, USA


Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA


Hollywood, California, USA


Disneyland, California, USA


Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


Miami, Florida, USA


Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA


Acapulco, Mexico


Cuzco, Mexico



1. 国内旅游景点英语导游词

2. 旅游英语专业介绍

3. 旅游景点英文介绍

4. 旅游英语:石林旅游景点英语介绍

5. 与“旅行”相关的英语词汇的用法

6. 景点用英语怎么说


1,Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山


2,Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵

泰姬陵(Taj Mahal ),是印度知名度最高的古迹之一,世界文化遗产,被评选为“世界新七大奇迹”。位于印度北方邦的阿格拉(Agra)城内,亚穆纳河右侧。由殿堂、钟楼、尖塔、水池等构成,全部用纯白色大理石建筑,用玻璃、玛瑙镶嵌,具有极高的艺术价值。

3,Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟

吴哥窟(Angkor Wat),又称吴哥寺,位于柬埔寨,被称作柬埔寨国宝,是世界上最大的庙宇,同时也是世界上最早的高棉式建筑。吴哥窟原始的名字是Vrah Vishnulok,意思为“毗湿奴的神殿”,中国佛学古籍称之为“桑香佛舍”。

4,Bali, Indonesia_《饶嵛餮前屠宓


5,Borobudur, Indonesia_《饶嵛餮遣_薷⊥

婆罗浮屠位于东南亚的印度尼西亚,大约于公元750年至850年间,由当时统治爪哇岛的夏连特拉王朝统治者兴建。“婆罗浮屠”这个名字的意思很可能来自梵语"Vihara Buddha Ur",意思就是“山顶的佛寺”。




the himalayas 喜马拉雅山

great wall, china 中国长城

forbidden city, beijing, china 北京故宫

mount fuji, japan 日本富士山

taj mahal, india 印度泰姬陵

angkor wat, cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟

bali, indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛

borobudur, indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠

sentosa, singapore 新加坡圣淘沙

crocodile farm, thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖

pattaya beach, thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩

babylon, iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹

mosque of st, sophia in istanbul (constantinople), turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂


niagara falls, new york state, usa 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布

bermuda 百慕大

honolulu, hawaii, usa 美国夏威夷火奴鲁鲁

panama c*** 巴拿马大运河

yellowstone national park, usa 美国黄石国家公园

statue of liberty, new york city, usa 美国纽约自由女神像

times square, new york city, usa 美国纽约时代广场

the white house, washington dc., usa 美国华盛顿白宫

world trade center, new york city, usa 美国纽约世界贸易中心

central park, new york city, usa 美国纽约中央公园

yosemite national park, usa 美国尤塞米提国家公园

grand canyon, arizona, usa 美国亚利桑那州大峡谷

hollywood, california, usa 美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞

disneyland, california, usa 加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园

las vegas, nevada, usa 美国内华达拉斯威加斯

miami, florida, usa 美国佛罗里达迈阿密

metropolitan museum of art, new york city, usa 纽约大都会艺术博物馆

acapulco, mexico 墨西哥阿卡普尔科

cuzco, mexico 墨西哥库斯科


suez c***, egypt 印度苏伊士运河

aswan high dam, egypt 印度阿斯旺水坝

nairobi national park, kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园

cape of good hope, south africa 南非好望角

sahara desert 撒哈拉大沙漠

pyramids, egypt 埃及金字塔

the nile, egypt 埃及尼罗河


great barrier reef 大堡礁

sydney opera house, australia 悉尼歌剧院

ayers rock 艾尔斯巨石

mount cook 库克山

easter island 复活节岛


notre dame de paris, france 法国巴黎圣母院

effiel tower, france 法国艾菲尔铁塔

arch of triumph, france 法国凯旋门

elysee palace, france 法国爱丽舍宫

louvre, france 法国卢浮宫

kolner dom, koln, germany 德国科隆大教堂

leaning tower of pisa, italy 意大利比萨斜塔

colosseum in rome, italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场

venice, italy 意大利

parthenon, greece 希腊巴台农神庙

red square in moscow, russia 莫斯科红场

big ben in london, england 英国伦敦大笨钟

buckingham palace, england 白金汉宫

hyde park, england 英国海德公园

london tower bridge, england 伦敦塔桥

westminster abbey, england 威斯敏斯特大教堂

monte carlo, monaco 摩洛哥

the mediterranean 地中海




世界上有着许许多多的著名旅游景点,这些景点用英语该如何说呢,下面是我整理的一些世界著名旅游景点名称, 希望对大家有帮助。

世界著名旅游景点名称:Asia 亚洲

Great Wall, China


Forbidden City, Beijing, China


The Himalayas


Mount Fuji, Japan


Taj Mahal, India


Angkor Wat, Cambodia


Bali, Indonesia


Borobudur, Indonesia


Sentosa, Singapore


Crocodile Farm, Thailand


Pattaya Beach, Thailand


Babylon, Iraq


Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey


世界著名旅游景点名称:Africa 非洲

Suez C***, Egypt


Aswan High Dam, Egypt


Nairobi National Park, Kenya


Cape of Good Hope, South Africa


Sahara Desert


Pyramids, Egypt


The Nile, Egypt




Great Barrier Reef


Sydney Opera House, Australia


Ayers Rock


Mount Cook


Easter Island


世界著名旅游景点名称:Europe 欧洲

Notre Dame de Paris, France


Effiel Tower, France


Arch of Triumph, France


Elysee Palace, France


Louvre, France


Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany


Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy


Colosseum in Rome, Italy


Venice, Italy


Parthenon, Greece


Red Square in Moscow, Russia


Big Ben in London, England


Buckingham Palace, England


Hyde Park, England


London Tower Bridge, England


Westminster Abbey, England


Monte Carlo, Monaco


The Mediterranean


世界著名旅游景点名称:The Americas 美洲

Niagara Falls, New York State, USA




Honolulu, Hawaii, USA


Panama C***


Yellowstone National Park, USA


Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA


Times Square, New York City, USA


The White House, Washington DC., USA


World Trade Center, New York City, USA


Central Park, New York City, USA


Yosemite National Park, USA


Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA


Hollywood, California, USA


Disneyland, California, USA


Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


Miami, Florida, USA


Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA


Acapulco, Mexico


Cuzco, Mexico



1. 国内旅游景点英语导游词

2. 旅游英语专业介绍

3. 旅游景点英文介绍

4. 旅游英语:石林旅游景点英语介绍

5. 与“旅行”相关的英语词汇的用法

6. 景点用英语怎么说


1,Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山


2,Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵

泰姬陵(Taj Mahal ),是印度知名度最高的古迹之一,世界文化遗产,被评选为“世界新七大奇迹”。位于印度北方邦的阿格拉(Agra)城内,亚穆纳河右侧。由殿堂、钟楼、尖塔、水池等构成,全部用纯白色大理石建筑,用玻璃、玛瑙镶嵌,具有极高的艺术价值。

3,Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟

吴哥窟(Angkor Wat),又称吴哥寺,位于柬埔寨,被称作柬埔寨国宝,是世界上最大的庙宇,同时也是世界上最早的高棉式建筑。吴哥窟原始的名字是Vrah Vishnulok,意思为“毗湿奴的神殿”,中国佛学古籍称之为“桑香佛舍”。

4,Bali, Indonesia_《饶嵛餮前屠宓


5,Borobudur, Indonesia_《饶嵛餮遣_薷⊥

婆罗浮屠位于东南亚的印度尼西亚,大约于公元750年至850年间,由当时统治爪哇岛的夏连特拉王朝统治者兴建。“婆罗浮屠”这个名字的意思很可能来自梵语"Vihara Buddha Ur",意思就是“山顶的佛寺”。



China's Great Wall is the greatest building project in human history of civilization.


It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years _go.


After the Qin state unified China. The chinese people connected the Great wall of various states.


Two generations of wise people he constructed The Great Wall intensively. _ast its project. It looks like rainbow rolling forward. It was possible to be called _orld miracle.

聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程. 它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。

It is the must for chinese people. When you repair Great Wall's _uins in offical _ays.You will not only could witness Great Wall's arance that meandered in the hills and high moutains.

but could also understand the chinese nation creation history , _reat wisdom and courage of chinese people. In December 1987, Great Wall was included in ‘’World heritage Name list‘’.

它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘’世界遗产名录"中。

美国旅游景点介绍英文 美国的景点英语


The Great Wall 长城 Mount Taishan 泰山 Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties,Mogao Ces 敦煌莫高窟 The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emporer 秦始皇陵兵马俑坑 Peking man Site at Zhoukoudian 周口店北京人遗址 Mount Huangshan 黄山 Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area 九寨沟风景名胜区 The Mountain Resort in Chengde City 避暑山庄及周围寺庙 Potala Palace, Lhasa *** 布达拉宫 Lushan National Park 庐山风景名胜区 Mt。

Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area 峨眉山--乐山大佛 Ancient City of Ping Yao 平遥古城 Summer Palace in Beijing 北京颐和园 Forbidden City in Beijing 北京故宫 Temple of Heen--an Imperial Sacreficial Altar in Beijing 天坛。


The Great Wall

The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world.

The Great Wall has a history of more than 2000 years. The first part was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. All the walls were joined up in Qin Dynasty.All tile work was done by hand. Thousands of people died while building the wall.Thus the Great Wall came into existence.

Since then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times. Now the Great Wall,the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look. It's visited by large numbers of people from all parts'of the'country and the world.






名胜古迹[míng shèng gǔ jī]

places of historic interest and scenic beauty; famous historic and cultural sites; famous places of interest and relics of olden times; places of historic interest


There're many famous scenic spots and historical sites in Beijing.



In the 1930's, The National Trust began its campaign to se Britain's patrimony of threatened country houses.


the Palace Museum What strikes one first in a bird's -eye view of Beijing proper is a vast tract of golden roofs flashing brilliantly in the sun with purple walls occasionally emerging amid them and a stretch of luxuriant tree lees flanking on each side. That is the former Imperial Palace, popularly known as the Forbidden City, from which twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for some 500 years--from1420 to 1911. The Ming Emperor Yong Le, who usurped the throne from his nephew and made Beijing the capital, ordered its construction, on which roximately 10,000 artists and a million workmen toiled for 14 years from 1406 to 1420. At present, the Palace is an elaborate museum that presents the largest and most plete ensemble of traditional architecture plex and more than 900,000 pieces of court treasures in all dynasties in China. Located in the center of Beijing, the entire palace area, rectangular in shape and 72 hectares in size, is surrounded by walls ten meters high and a moat 52 meters wide. At each corner of the wall stands a watchtower with a double-ee roof covered with yellow glazed tiles. The main buildings, the six great halls, one following the other, are set facing south along the central north-south axis from the Meridian Gate, the south entrance, to Shenwumen, the great gate piercing in the north wall. On either side of the palace are many paratively *** all buildings. Symmetrically in the northeastern section lie the six Eastern Palaces and in the northwestern section the six Western Palaces. The Palace area is divided into two parts: the Outer Court and the Inner Palace. The former consists of the first three main halls, where the emperor received his courtiers and conducted grand ceremonies, while the l。


the Palace Museum What strikes one first in a bird's -eye view of Beijing proper is a vast tract of golden roofs flashing brilliantly in the sun with purple walls occasionally emerging amid them and a stretch of luxuriant tree lees flanking on each side. That is the former Imperial Palace, popularly known as the Forbidden City, from which twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for some 500 years--from1420 to 1911. The Ming Emperor Yong Le, who usurped the throne from his nephew and made Beijing the capital, ordered its construction, on which roximately 10,000 artists and a million workmen toiled for 14 years from 1406 to 1420. At present, the Palace is an elaborate museum that presents the largest and most plete ensemble of traditional architecture plex and more than 900,000 pieces of court treasures in all dynasties in China. Located in the center of Beijing, the entire palace area, rectangular in shape and 72 hectares in size, is surrounded by walls ten meters high and a moat 52 meters wide. At each corner of the wall stands a watchtower with a double-ee roof covered with yellow glazed tiles. The main buildings, the six great halls, one following the other, are set facing south along the central north-south axis from the Meridian Gate, the south entrance, to Shenwumen, the great gate piercing in the north wall. On either side of the palace are many paratively *** all buildings. Symmetrically in the northeastern section lie the six Eastern Palaces and in the northwestern section the six Western Palaces. The Palace area is divided into two parts: the Outer Court and the Inner Palace. The former consists of the first three main halls, where the emperor received his courtiers and conducted grand ceremonies, while the latter was the living quarters for the imperial residence. At the rear of the Inner Palace is the Imperial Garden where the emperor and his family sought recreation. The main entrance to the Palace is the Meridian Gate(1), which was so named because the emperor considered himself the "Son of the Heen" and the Palace the center of the universe, hence the north-south axis as the Meridian line going right through the Palace. The gate is crowned with five towers, monly known as the Five-Phoenix Towers(2), which were installed with drums and bells. When the emperor went to the Temple of Heen, bells were struck to mark this important occasion. When he went to the Ancestral Temple, it was the drums that were beaten to publicize the event. Beyond the Meridian Gate unfolds a vast courtyard across which the Inner Golden Water River runs from east to west. The river is spanned by five bridges, which were supposed to be symbols of the five virtues preached by Confucius--benevolence, righteousness, rites, intelligence, and fidelity(3). At the north end of the courtyard is a three-tiered white marble terrace, seven meters above the ground, on which, one after another, stand three majestic halls; the Hall of Supreme Harmony(4), the Hall of plete Harmony(5), and the Hall of Preserving Harmony(6). The Hall of Supreme Harmony, rectangular in shape, 27 meters in height, 2,300 square meters in area, is the grandest and most important hall in the Palace plex. It is also China's largest existing palace of wood structure and an outstanding example of brilliant color binations. This hall used to be the throne hall for ceremonies which marked great occasions: the Winter Solstice, the Spring Festival, the emperor's birthday and enthronement, and the dispatch of generals to battles, etc. On such occasions there would be an imperial guard of honor standing in front of the Hall that extended all the way to the Meridian gate. On the north face of the hall in the center of four coiled-golden dragon columns is the "Golden Throne", which was carved out of sandalwood. The throne rests on a two-meter-high platform with a screen behind it. In front of it, to the left and right, stand ornamental cranes, incense burners and other ornaments. The dragon columns entwined with golden dragons measure one meter in diameter. The throne itself, the platform and the screen are all carved with dragon designs. High above the throne is a color-painted coffered ceiling which changes in shape from square to octagonal to circular as it ascends layer upon layer. The utmost central vault is carved with the gilded design of a dragon toying with pearls. when the Emperor mounted the throne, gold bells and jade chimes sounded from the gallery, and clouds of incense rose from the bronze cranes and tortoises and tripods outside the hall on the 。


Taj Mahal泰姬陵the Emperor Qin's Terra-cotta Warriors秦始皇兵马俑the Summer Palace颐和园the Ming Tombs 十三陵the Great Wall 长城the Fragrant Hill香山the Palace Museum故宫sentosa新加坡圣淘沙 crocodile farm泰国北榄鳄鱼湖 pattaya beach 泰国芭堤雅海滩 babylon 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 mosque of st, sophia in istanbul 土耳其圣索非亚教堂 niagara falls 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布 bermuda 百慕大 statue of liberty 美国纽约自由女神像 mount fuji 日本富士山 angkor wat柬埔寨吴哥窟 suez c *** , egypt 印度苏伊士运河 aswan high dam, egypt 印度阿斯旺水坝 nairobi national park, kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园 cape of good hope, south africa 南非好望角 sahara desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 pyramids, egypt 埃及金字塔 the nile, egypt 埃及尼罗河 Oceania great barrier reef 大堡礁 sydney opera house, australia 悉尼歌剧院 ayers rock 艾尔斯巨石 mount cook 库克山 easter island 复活节岛 Europe notre dame de paris, france 法国巴黎圣母院 effiel tower, france 法国艾菲尔铁塔 arch of triumph, france 法国凯旋门 elysee palace, france 法国爱丽舍宫 louvre, france 法国卢浮宫 kolner dom, koln, germany 德国科隆大教堂 leaning tower of pisa, italy 意大利比萨斜塔 colosseum in rome, italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场 venice, italy 意大利 parthenon, greece 希腊巴台农神庙 red square in moscow, russia 莫斯科红场 big ben in london, england 英国伦敦大笨钟 buckingham palace, england 白金汉宫 hyde park, england 英国海德公园 london tower bridge, england 伦敦塔桥 westminster abbey, england 威斯敏斯特大教堂 monte carlo, monaco 摩洛哥 the mediterranean 地中海。


1.Constructs in ancient and moderns in China and abroad all humanities, most famous should be China's Great Wall. Great Wall testimony ancient times area south of Yellow River agriculture civilization and north between nomads at daggers drawn intense resistance 古今中外所有的人类建筑中,最著名的一座应该就是中国的万里长城。

长城见证了古代中原农业文明和北方游 牧民族间剑拔弩张的激烈对抗the great wall 2.桂林位于广西壮族自治区东北部,地处亚热带,气候温和,独特的喀斯特地貌与景象万千的漓江及其周围美丽迷人的田园风光融为一体,形成了独具一格、驰名中外的“山青、水秀、洞奇、石美”的“桂林山水”,并有了“桂林山水甲天下”的美誉。Guilin located at the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region northeast, is situated at the suropics, the climate is temperate, the unique karst landform and the picture myriad Lijiang River and periphery the beautiful enchanting rural scenery merged into one anic whole, forms has been in a class by itself, “Shan Qing, Shui Xiu, the hole to be wonderful renowned at home and abroad, stone US” “Guilin scenery”, and had “Guilin scenery armor world” fine reputation. (Guilin scenery ) 3.Hangzhou Xihu 杭州西湖风景区以西湖为中心,分为湖滨区、湖心区、北山区、南山区和钱塘区,总面积达49平方公里。

西湖的美在于晴中见潋滟,雨中显空蒙。无论雨雪晴阴,在落霞、烟雾下都能成景;在春花,秋月,夏荷,冬雪中各具美 态。

湖区以苏堤和白堤的优美风光见称。The Hangzhou Xihu scenic spot take Xihu as a center, divides into the lake front area, the center of the lake area, the Beishan Mountains area, the Mt. Nan area and Qian Tangqu, the total area amounts to 49 square kilometers. Xihu's US lies in clearly sees Lian yan, in the rain obviously empties Mongolia. Regardless of sleet clear cloudy, under the pen name, the *** og can bee the scenery; In the spring flower, harvest moon, summer Holland, in winter snow each US condition. The lake district sees by Su Di and Bai Dike's exquisite scenery called 4.Beijing Imperial Palace Beijing Imperial Palace is the Ming and Qing Dynasties two generation of imperial palaces, also calls Forbidden City. All previous dynasties palace “likely the day sets up the palace” to express that the monarchial power “has a mandate from heen”. Because Mr. is an emperor, emperor's palace is similar to the God housing “the purple palace” the restricted area, therefore Forbidden City. 北京故宫是明清两代的皇宫,又称紫禁城。


5.Suzhou botanical garden苏州有园林200余处,现在保存尚好的有数万处,并因此使苏州素有"人间天堂"的美誉之称.以其意境过清、构筑精致、艺术高雅、文化内涵丰富而成为苏州众多古典园林的典范和代表。 Suzhou has botanical garden 200, now preserved Shang Hao to he several thousand, and, therefore caused Suzhou was known as " the heen on earth " name of the fine reputation, was excessively clear by its ideal condition, the construction to be fine, art was lofty, the cultural connotation enriched bees the Suzhou numerous historic gardens the models and representative 6.Mt. Huangshan 黄山是中国著名风景区之一.黄山集名山之长。

泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,衡山之烟云,庐山之瀑,雁荡山之巧石,峨眉山之秀丽,黄山无不兼而有之。Mt. Huangshan is one of famous scenic spots, Mt. Huangshan collection famous mountains strong point. Taishan's grandness, Huashan's danger, Mt. Hengshan's *** oke cloud, Mt. Lushan's waterfall, Yandangshan's skillful stone, Mt. Emei's beauty, Mt. Huangshan has all. 7.Three Ges of the Yangtze River 长江三峡西起重庆市的奉节县,东至湖北省的宜昌市,全长205千米。


West Three Ges of the Yangtze River Chongqing's Fengjie County, east to Hubei Province's Yichang, span 205 kilometers. Mainly has three big canyon land sectors from west to east: Qutangxia, Wu Ge and Xiling Ge. The Three Ges therefore acquire fame 8.Taiwan Riyue Tan 日月潭是台湾的“天池”,湖周35公里,水域9平方公里多,为全省最大的天然湖泊,也是全国少数著名的高山湖泊之一。其地环湖皆山,湖水澄碧,湖中有天然小岛浮现,圆若明珠,Riyue Tan is Taiwan “Tianchi”, the lake week 35 kilometers, the waters more than 9 square kilometers, are the entire province biggest natural lakes, is also one of national minority famous mountain lakes. Its surrounds the lake mountain, the lake water is all clear blue, in the lake has the 。



分类: 外语/出国







The Golden Gate Bridge, pleted after more than four years of construction at a cost of $35 million, is a visitor attraction recognized around the world. The GGB opened to vehicular traffic on May 28, 1937 at elve o'clock noon, ahead of schedule and under budget, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt pressed a telegraph key in the White House announcing the event.


Wall Street is the name of a narrow street in lower Manhattan in New York City, running east from Broadway downhill to the East River. Considered to be the historical heart of the Financial District, it was the first permanent home of the New York Stock Exchange.

The phrase "Wall Street" is also used as a metonym to refer to American financial markets and financial institutions as a whole. Most New York financial firms are no longer headquartered on Wall Street, but elsewhere in lower or midtown Manhattan, Fairfield County, Connecticut, or New Jersey. JPMan Chase, the last major holdout, sold its headquarters tower at 60 Wall Street to Deutsche Bank in November 2001.


Statue of Liberty

Liberty Enlightening the World, known more monly as the Statue of Liberty, is a statue given to the United States by France in 1885, standing at Liberty Island in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor as a wele to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans. The copper statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, memorates the centennial of the United States and is a gesture of friendship beeen the o nations. The sculptor was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Guste Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower, engineered the internal structure. Eugène Viollet-le-Duc was responsible for the choice of copper in the statue's construction and adoption of the Repoussé technique. The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable icons of the U.S. worldwide,[1] and, in a more general sense, represents liberty and escape from oppression. The Statue of Liberty was, from 1886 until the Jet age, often the first glimpse of the United States for millions of immigrants after ocean voyages from Europe. It's said that il Sancarlone or the Colossus of Rhodes inspired it.

4.Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the center of the borough of Manhattan in New York City, USA. It runs through the heart of Midtown and along the eastern side of Central Park, and because of the expensive park-view real estate and historical mansions along its course, it is a symbol of wealthy New York. It is one of the best shopping streets in the world, often paired with London's Oxford Street and the Champs Elysées in Paris. It is one of the most expensive streets in the world, on a par with London and Tokyo lease prices. The "most expensive street in the world" moniker changes depending on currency fluctuations and local economic conditions from year to year. [1] Joseph Winston Herbert Hopkins founded this street. It is the dividing line for the east-west streets in Manhattan, (for example, demarcating the line separating East 59th Street from West 59th Street) as well as the zero-numbering point for street addresses (numbers increase in both directions as one moves away from Fifth, with 1 East 59th Street on the corner at Fifth Avenue, and 300 East 59th Street located several blocks to the East). Fifth Avenue is a one-way street and carries southbound ("downtown") traffic. Some people refer to Fifth Avenue colloquially as "Fashion Ave," but many refrain from it to oid confusion with the real Fashion Ave, also known as Seventh Avenue. Fifth Avenue extends from the north side of Washington Square Park through Greenwich Village, Midtown, and the Upper East Side


Fifth Avenue, which was o-way over most of its course until the early 1960s, now allows o-way traffic north of 135th Street only. South of 135th Street, Fifth Avenue allows one-way southbound traffic only while northbound traffic may take Madison Avenue. From 124th Street to 120th Street, Fifth Avenue is cut off by Marcus Garvey Park.


The Empire State Building is a 102-story contemporary Art Deco style building in New York City, declared by the American Society of Civil Engineers to be one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

Designed by Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, it was finished in 1931. The tower takes its name from the nickname of New York State. Since the September 11th attacks, it is again the tallest building in New York City.

The building belongs to the World Federation of Great Towers.


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红色巨岩 艾尔斯岩石 Ayers Rock 世界海洋遗产 大堡礁 Great Barrier Reef 维多利亚大洋路 Great Ocean Road 坎贝尔港 Port Campbell 波浪岩 We Rock 昆士兰热带雨林 Rainforest 蓝山国家公园 Blue Mountain 悉尼歌剧院 Opera House 菲利普岛 Phillip Island 悉尼水族馆 Sydney Aquarium 节日想去旅游的朋友不妨试试去西安zhongguo国际旅行社



一、Africa 非洲

Suez C***, Egypt 苏伊士运河

Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园

Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望角

Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠

Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔

The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河

二、Oceania 大洋洲

Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁

Ayers Rock 艾尔斯巨石

Mount Cook 库克山

Easter Island 复活节岛

三、The Americas 美洲

Niagara Falls, New York State, USA 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布

Bermuda 百慕大

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 美国夏威夷火奴鲁鲁

Panama C*** 巴拿马大运河

Yellowstone National Park, USA 美国黄石国家公园

Times Square, New York City, USA 美国纽约时代广场

The White House, Washington DC., USA 美国华盛顿白宫

World Trade Center, New York City, USA 美国纽约世界贸易中心

Central Park, New York City, USA 美国纽约中央公园

Yosemite National Park, USA 美国尤塞米提国家公园

Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA 美国亚利桑那州大峡谷

Hollywood, California, USA 美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞

Disneyland, California, USA 加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 美国内华达拉斯威加斯

Miami, Florida, USA 美国佛罗里达迈阿密

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA 纽约大都会艺术博物馆

Acapulco, Mexico 墨西哥阿卡普尔科

Cuzco, Mexico 墨西哥库斯科


Notre Dame de Paris, France 法国巴黎圣母院

Effiel Tower, France 法国艾菲尔铁塔

Arch of Triumph, France 法国凯旋门

Elysee Palace, France 法国爱丽舍宫

Louvre, France 法国卢浮宫

Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany德国科隆大教堂

Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy意大利比萨斜塔

Colosseum in Rome, Italy意大利古罗马圆形剧场

Venice, Italy意大利

Parthenon, Greece希腊巴台农神庙

Red Square in Moscow, Russia莫斯科红场

Big Ben in London, England英国伦敦大笨钟

Buckingham Palace, England白金汉宫

Hyde Park, England英国海德公园

London Tower Bridge, England伦敦塔桥

Westminster Abbey, England威斯敏斯特大教堂

Monte Carlo, Monaco摩洛哥

The Mediterranean地中海







1、好莱坞环球影城(英文名:Universal Studios Hollywood)


2、金门大桥(英文名:Golden Gate Bridge)

金门大桥桥身全长1900多米,历时4年,利用10万多吨钢材,耗资达3550万美元建成,由桥梁工程师约瑟夫·斯特劳斯(Joseph .Struss, 1870—1938年)设计,峙于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山金门海峡之上,是世界著名的桥梁之一。

3、自由女神像(英文名:Statue Of Liberty)




5、军舰岛(英文名:Managaha Island)


6、时代广场(英文名:Times Square)











notre dame de paris, france 法国巴黎圣母院

effiel tower, france 法国艾菲尔铁塔

arch of triumph, france 法国凯旋门

elysee palace, france 法国爱丽舍宫

louvre, france 法国卢浮宫

kolner dom, koln, germany 德国科隆大教堂

leaning tower of pisa, italy 意大利比萨斜塔

colosseum in rome, italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场

venice, italy 意大利

parthenon, greece 希腊巴台农神庙

red square in moscow, russia 莫斯科红场

big ben in london, england 英国伦敦大笨钟

buckingham palace, england 白金汉宫

hyde park, england 英国海德公园

london tower bridge, england 伦敦塔桥

westminster abbey, england 威斯敏斯特大教堂

monte carlo, monaco 摩洛哥

the mediterranean 地中海

niagara falls, new york state, usa 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布

bermuda 百慕大

honolulu, hawaii, usa 美国夏威夷火奴鲁鲁

panama c*** 巴拿马大运河

yellowstone national park, usa 美国黄石国家公园

statue of liberty, new york city, usa 美国纽约自由女神像

times square, new york city, usa 美国纽约时代广场

the white house, washington dc., usa 美国华盛顿白宫

world trade center, new york city, usa 美国纽约世界贸易中心

central park, new york city, usa 美国纽约中央公园

yosemite national park, usa 美国尤塞米提国家公园

grand canyon, arizona, usa 美国亚利桑那州大峡谷

hollywood, california, usa 美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞

disneyland, california, usa 加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园

las vegas, nevada,


A:Hello,good morning !

B:Good morning,may I help you ?

A:I think i am lost,could you tell me the way to the Hyde Park?

B:OK,you can go ahead,then turn left the first crossroad,then turn right the second crossroad,you can get to the Hyde Park.

A:Thank you,thank you very much.

B:You are welcome.


2、大笨钟鉴于1895年,距今已经有152年的历史了,钟高95米,重达13吨。其名字得名于它的建造者本杰明. 雷尔,而且其外形很大,故称“大本”。它被视为伦敦的象征,是伦敦著名的古钟,以报时准确出名。




标签: #美国

